Tuesday, 27 January 2015

3D communication 27th January

 3D communication 27th January

With only two more weeks to finish my final piece, I had to make sure I do as much as I can to make sure I have everything ready for the exhibition on the 12th. I have done all my research and the is design sorted, so I just need to make my jewellery. I'm hoping with all my extra work I'm willing to put in, I will have it all done by this Friday.

I started by planning out my day and what I want to do in the time I have. First of all I need to get my design on illustrator and sort out the scale. I have already measured out what size I want my piece to be. It was just the matter of making sure I set the page up.

I started to draw out my design, but I knew that this is the one thing that would take the longest time to complete. I had to get this done as quick as possible so I could move onto the next stage which is cutting out my jewellery from the acrylic sheet. After finishing the outline of the first half of my bracelets I could then do my first test piece of heating and moulding the acrylic round a manikins wrist. Carefully heating the acrylic, I then had to hold the bracelet in place while it cooled.
After it was cooled I was able to see more clearly how I could fit the piece together and how it would sit on the wrist. I needed to work out a way it would attach to the wearer with out moving too much or rubbing the skin. After thinking it through, the idea of having two small cuts in the sides so that I could have a band or ribbon to hold it in place.

After having my test piece was ready and sorted, and finally seeing the piece come together, I know that it won't take me too long to get my piece ready for the show. All I have to do is make a plinth for my piece to sit on.

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