Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Visual Communication Visual evidence15th October

Visual Evidence 15th October 

As the final day of Visual Communication comes ever closer, my design for the poster and banner are starting to come together.

The day started with the group explaining what they'd done the day before. Mostly we talked about what we were in the middle of doing. I talked about my half finished pastiche, but then moved on to the bigger idea, women's suffrage, as I'd done some research into the right of women to vote. I wanted to make a campaign based on that theme. After I finished my pastiche, I wanted to redesign some old posters, then use them as if it was happening today. My idea was met with good comments and I was happy I could go forward with it.

After the quick talk we all jumped on the computers and set about finishing our work. With only today and tomorrow to do this, I was hoping to get a lot done today. The only thing that stood in my way was the technology; getting my head around Photoshop was taking a lot longer than I thought it would. It was slow going and I had to redo a couple of things before I was happy with the result and could move on.

This was very much my whole day; find an image, copy it into Photoshop, resize and arrange it before I could delete the background so it looked like it was part of the Last Supper. With many of the things I had to do being fiddly work, I had to concentrate in order to get my work done in time and not make too many mistakes. After much of the work was done, it was time for the next step; making the images of the women match each other. I did this by changing their colour and brightness so one didn't overpower the others. After being shown how this was done, it was my turn to have a go. Learning new ways to change an image is a useful tool to have, not just for graphic design, but also for any photos I want to fix up. With a little bit of playing about with contrast and colours, this work was done.

With that part of my piece finished, I had to move onto the next part, women's suffrage and the posters (and buttons). This was one of the ideas that came up in the group discussion this morning. I found a photo of some women with a banner campaigning for the vote. After loading it into Photoshop, I used my finished pastiche as an overlay so it looked like my image was on the banner. I then added a couple of effects to make it match the rest of the photo, like a bit of blurring, some shadows, and some text which I faded and multiplied.

After all that work it was time to call it a day. I'd done a fair bit and got two of my pieces done which I was happy about, but as tomorrow is the last day, I just hope I can get a bit more finished so I have a couple more pieces to show.

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